欧盟MSIAM (Industrial Applied Maths) master program at Greno...

欧盟MSIAM (Industrial Applied Maths) master program at Grenoble研究生项目发布

We still offer university grants for a year in our international second

year master in applied maths: M2 of Science in Industrial and Applied

Mathematics (MSIAM) [seehttp://msiam.imag.fr/]

Excellent application for Tongji students are wellcome. The global grant

amount is 8000€ a year (*)

To apply for a Persyval master grant to study in MSIAM, the student should

- first apply to the M2 MSIAM:

- then (immediately, without waiting any result of the previous

application) apply for a persyval grant

(dead line 21/05/2014)

I would suggest the students also to directly contact (mail) Laurent Desbat (laurent.desbat@imag.fr) or colleagues from msiam (msiam@imag.fr) in order to discuss with them their interest and possible master thesis projects. Bio Health Computing, Data Science, Statistics, Modeling, Imaging, Inverse Problems, etc. projects are welcome (in biology, environmental sciences, but also any other domains). The MSc thesis project can be defined until the middle of the first semester of the M2 MSIAM.

(*) a persyval grant is reduced compare to an EMBHC grant but the

university fees a much lower (<500 €) and the student spends both

semesters in Grenoble (and thus does not have to register to an other

university and to spend both semesters in two different universities...

this reduce a lot the global study costs).