Homotopy of Manifolds Stabilized by Projective Spaces

题目:Homotopy of Manifolds Stabilized by Projective Spaces

报告人:黄瑞芝 副研究员(中科院数学所)

时间:2024年4月15日 10:00-11:00


Abstract: Connected sum of a manifold with a projective space is of special interest. For instance, in geometric topology, Kreck suggested to study the stable classification of smooth manifolds modulo a projective space summand.

In this talk, we study the homotopy of the connected sum of a manifold with a projective space. In particular, we show a loop homotopy decomposition of a manifold after stabilization by a projective space, and provide concrete examples. To do this, we trace the effect in homotopy theory of surgery on certain product manifolds.

This a joint work with Stephen Theriault.
