Linear Stability of Compact Shrinking Ricci Solitons

题目:Linear Stability of Compact Shrinking Ricci Solitons

报告人:朱萌 教授 (华东师范大学)


时间:2024520 14:15-15:00

摘要: Ricci solitons often appear as the sigularity models of the Ricci flow. The concept of linear stability

 of compact Ricci solitons was first introduced and studied by Cao-Hamilton-Ilmanen. In this talk, we 

investigate the linear stability of compact shrinking Ricci solitons. We will present the second variation 

formula of Perelman's $\nu$-entropy for compact shrinking Ricci solitons, and prove a necessary and sufficient 

condition for a compact shrinking Ricci soliton to be linearly stable in terms of the non-positivity of a 

Lichnerowicz type operator related to the varational formula.

All are welcome!