Sphere Packings in Dimensions 8 and 24 - At The Crossroad of Geometry, Number Theory and Fourier Analysis

题目:Sphere Packings in Dimensions 8 and 24 - At The Crossroad of Geometry, Number Theory and Fourier Analysis

报告人:Prof. Karoly Boroczky (Renyi institute,Hungary)


时间:2024年5月21日 10:00-11:00

摘要:The problem of dense packings of equal spheres in R^n - a problem arising in number theory and geometry - goes back to Kepler, Lagrange and Gauss, still the optimal density is only known in dimensions n=2,3,8,24. Our main focus is the cases n=8,24 where the E8 lattice and the Leech lattice are optimal. We sketch history, and how a little lemma in Fourier analysis set up the scene to Maryna Viazovska's groundbreaking results using modular forms. At the end, the structure of the close to optimal packings is described in dimensions 8 and 24, a joint result  with Joao Ramos and Danylo Radchenko.

All are welcome!