题目:Lectures on Fracturing and Heat Xtraction from Geothermal Formations
报告人:Professor Abbas Firoozabadi (Rice University)
时间:2025年2月23日-26日 14:00-16:00
摘要:1-Introduction and key variables in solid mechanics and fluid mechanics,(02-23 14: 00-16: 00)
2-Generalizations of Hook’s law from 1 D to 3D as well as 2D media.(02-23 14: 00-16: 00)
3-Unified thermodynamics stability analysis in fluids and deformable solid. Most desirableconditions for heat extraction in geothermal conditions by c02 and by water, (02-24 14: 00-16: 00)
4-Basic expression for stress in poroelasticity,(02-24 14:00-16: 00)
5-Potential energy from deformation,(02-25 10:00-12:00)
6-Mass balance with consideration of thermoporoelasticity.(02-25 10: 00-12: 00)
7-Energy balance with consideration of thermoporoelasticity.(02-25 14:00-16: 00)
8 Griffitt’s theory.(02-25 14:00-16:00)
9-Interfacial energy of solid-fluid systems from molecular simulations,(02-26 10: 00-12: 00)
10-Euler-Lagrange equation,(02-26 10:00-12:00)
11-Phase field,(02-26 14:00-16:00)
12-Limitation of basic expressions in solid mechanics.(02-26 14:00-16: 00)
主讲人简介:Professor Abbas Firoozabadi is a Distinguished Research Professor at the Department of chemical andBiomolecular Bngineering at Rice University, Houston, TX, and Director of Reservoir Engineering2025/02/23-26Research Institute(RERI) in Palo Alo, CA.His published work centers on multi-componentequilibrium, non-equilibrium, kinetics of new phase formation, and higher-order numerical致远楼108simulations of subsurface flows, His current work focuses on molecular engineering and fracturingof rocks in relation to efficient subsurface energy production, large scale numerical simulation ofC02 sequestration in the subsurface, and stewardship of the environment. Most of his currentresearch focuses on widespread use of c02 in the subsurface and C02 viscosification. He isexpanding his research into hydrogen production and storage in the subsurface. He has authored twobooks on thermodynamics of hydrocarbon energy production published by McGraw-Hill and is author andco-author of some 280 Journal papers. His H index is 90.Professor Firoozabadi has received four of the major awards of the Society of Petroleum Bngineers(SPE) including the Anthony Lucas Gold Medal, He is a member of the us National Academy ofEngineering(NAE),and international member of the ChineseAcademy of Engineering