Dynamic Adaptive Gridding in Numerical Simulation of Selected Processesin CO2 Storge in Subsurface Aquifers and Fracturing with Consideration

题目:Dynamic Adaptive Gridding in Numerical Simulation of Selected Processesin CO2 Storge in Subsurface Aquifers and Fracturing with Consideration

报告人:Professor Abbas Firoozabadi (Department of chemical and BiomolecularEngineering, Rice University)


时间:2025年2月24日 10:00-11:30

摘要:CO2 has gas like viscosity, liquid-like density, often low surface energy with rocks. injection in thesubsurface results in wide distribution and possibility of leakage. Direct visocosification of co2 at lowconcentration requires engineering of new molecules that can be effective in the subsurface conditionsLow fluid-rock surface energy results in lowering fracturing pressure and high induced fracture surfacearea.

The physics of flow of water/brine and co2 and fracturing especially the conditions at the fracture tiphave complexities that have not been recognized until recently. in most publications, the capillarypressure is assumed to be zero at the core outlet in lab scale. The current simulation techniquespredictthe pressure at the fracture tip to be negative.

The most challenging problem has been large scale flow simulations. When co2 dissolves inwater/brin, there is density increase. Gravity fingers develop from adverse density effects. Most large-scale flow simulators cannot capture the gravity fingering properly. We have recently integrateddiscretization by fully unstructured gridding, and higher-order methods and dynamic adaptive gridding.

In this presentation we combine recent advances leading to large scale modeling of cO2 sequestrationin subsurface aguifers, heat extraction from geothermal formations, and lab scale numerical modelingof fracture initiation, propagation, and fracture tip pressure

主讲人简介:Professor Abbas Firoozabadi is a Distinguished Research Professor at the Department of chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Rice University, Houston, TX, and Director of Reservoir EngineeringResearch institute (RERl) in Palo Alo, CA. His published work centers on multi-component equilibriu non-equilibrium, kinetics of new phase formation, and higher-order numerical simulations of subsurface flows. His current work focuses on molecular engineering and fracturing of rocks in relation to efficientsubsurface energy production, large scale numerical simulation of c02 sequestration in the subsurface,and stewardship of the environment.Most of his current research focuses on widespread use of CO2 inthe subsurface and cO2 viscosification. He is expanding his research into hydrogen production andstorage in the subsurface. He has authored two books on thermodynamics of hydrocarbon energyproduction published by McGraw-Hill and is author and co-author of some 280 journal papers. His Hindex is 90.

Professor Firoozabadi has received four of the major awards of the society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)including the Anthony Lucas Gold Medal. He is a member of the Us National Academy of Engineering(NAE), and international member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
