Linearly Growing Injectivity Radius in Negatively Curved Manifolds with Small Critical Exponent

题目: Linearly Growing Injectivity Radius in Negatively Curved Manifolds with Small Critical Exponent

报告人:Assistant Professor Ilya Gekhtman (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology)

时间:2025年3月20日 9:30-10:30


摘要: Let X be a proper geodesic Gromov hyperbolic space whose isometry group contains a uniform lattice \Gamma. For instance, X could be a negatively curved contractible manifold or a Cayley graph of a hyperbolic group. Let H be a discrete subgroup of isometries of X with critical exponent (exponential growth rate) strictly less than half of the growth rate of \Gamma. We show that the injectivity radius of X/H grows linearly along almost every geodesic in X (with respect to the Patterson-Sullivan measure on the Gromov boundary of X). The proof will involve an elementary analysis of a novel concept called the "sublinearly horosherical limit set" of H which is a generalization of the classical concept of "horospherical limit set" for Kleinian groups. This talk is based on joint work with Inhyeok Choi and Keivan Mallahi-Kerai, building on joint work with Inhyeok Choi, Wenyuan Yang and Tianyi Zheng.
