Structure and Dynamics of Endoplasmic Reticulum Networks in a Plant Cell

题目:Structure and Dynamics of Endoplasmic Reticulum Networks in a Plant Cell

报告人:林聪萍 副研究员(华中科技大学)

时间:10月11日(星期三),下午 2:00-3:00


林聪萍,华中科技大学声学中心副研究员,博士毕业于英国埃克塞特大学,从事生物系统中动力学现象的数学建模,包括细胞内交通运输现象,细胞器几何结构的动力学,脑中的癫痫样的传播活动,主要通过动力系统、随机过程等方法结合实验数据的分析来构建合理的数学模型并分析生物系统中的各种机制。研究成果发表于 Nature Communications, biophysical Journal 等 20 多个国际期刊, 索引达 130 余次。


The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in plant cells forms a highly dynamic network of complex geometry. ER network morphology and dynamics are influenced by a number of biophysical processes, including filament/tubule tension, viscous forces, Brownian diffusion and interactions with many other organelles and cytoskeletal elements. Previous studies have indicated that ER networks can be thought of as constrained minimal-length networks acted on by a variety of forces that perturb and/or remodel the network. Here, we study two specific biophysical processes involved in remodelling. One is the dynamic relaxation process involving a combination of tubule tension and viscous forces. The other is the rapid creation of cross-connection tubules by direct or indirect interactions with cytoskeletal elements. These processes are able to remodel the ER network: the first reduces network length and complexity while the second increases both. Using live cell imaging of ER network dynamics in tobacco leaf epidermal cells, we examine these processes on ER network dynamics. Away from regions of cytoplasmic streaming, we suggest that the dynamic network structure is a balance between the two processes, and we build an integrative model of the two processes for network remodelling. This model produces quantitatively similar ER networks to those observed in experiments. We use the model to explore the effect of parameter variation on statistical properties of the ER network.
