On a Family of Integral Operators on the Ball

题目:On a Family of Integral Operators on the Ball

报告人:田闻川 博士 (加州大学圣芭芭拉分校)


时间:2021年10月26日 9:00-11:00

摘要:In this work, we transform the equation in the upper half space first studied by Caffarelli and Silvestre to an equation in the Euclidean unit ball $\mathbb{B}^n$. We identify the Poisson kernel for the equation in the unit ball. Using the Poisson kernel, we define the extension operator. We prove an extension inequality in the limit case and prove the uniqueness of the extremal functions in the limit case using the method of moving spheres. In addition we offer an interpretation of the limit case inequality as a conformally invariant generalization of Carleman's inequality.
