





1983.07-1997.09 华东冶金学院(现安徽工业大学) 助教,讲师,副教授,教授

1997.09-2000.04 上海铁道大学 教授

2000.04-至今 同济大学 教授, 三级教授,二级教授,Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa.

2004年3月至6月访问香港城市大学混沌控制与同步中心;2005年2月至5月是香港城市大学数学系Research Fellow; 2005年7月至9月是澳大利亚中昆士兰大学信息与通信学院Visiting Professor; 2006年2月至10月、2007年8-10月以及2008年4-6月是新加坡国立大学Research Fellow; 2009年11月-2010年5月是美国威廉玛丽学院访问学者; 2013年11月-2014年5月是约翰霍普金斯大学访问学者,2015年9月至2016年2月是密歇根大学访问学者。









214. Resource limited event-triggered model predictive control for continuous-time nonlinear systems based on first-order hold, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, online.

213. Neural network-based control for RRP-based networked systems under DoS attacks with power interval, Automatica, 2022,145,110555.

212. Coevolution of collective opinions and actions under two different control inputs, Information Sciences,2022, 608, 1632.

211. RBFNN-based adaptive event-triggered control for heterogeneous vehicle platoon consensus,IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,online.

210. Continuous and discrete Zeroing neural network for a class of multilayer dynamic system,Neurocomputing,2022,493.

209.Optimal control of multi-task Boolean control networks via temporal logic,SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS, 2021,156,105007.

208.Consensus-based connected vehicles platoon control via impulsive control method,PHYSICA A,2021,580, 126190.

207.Optimal Stealthy Linear-Attack Schedules on Remote State Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2021, 69, 2807.

206.Self-triggered Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Continuous-time Networked System via Ensured Performance  Control  Samples Selection, International Journal of Control, online.

205.Optimal DoS attack schedules on remote state estimation under multi-sensor round-robin protocol, Automatica, 2021, 127, 109517.

204.Robust event-triggered distributed min-max model predictive control of continuous-time nonlinear systems, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2020, 14(19).

203.Optimal cooperative multiple-attackers scheduling against remote state estimation of Cyber-Physical Systems,Systems & Control Letters, 2020, 144, 104771.

202.Stochastic game in linear quadratic Gaussian control for wireless networked control systems under DoS attacks, IEEE  Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Systems,2022,52(2).

201. Stability of nonlinear system under distributed Lyapunov-based economic model predictive control with time-delay, ISA Transactions, 2020, 99(1).

200. A game theoretic approach to multi-channel transmission scheduling for multiple linear systems under DoS attacks, Systems & Control Letters, 2019, 133.

199. Calculating vulnerability index of Urban metro systems based on satisfied route, Physica A, 2019, 531.

198. Stabilization of mode-dependent impulsive hybrid systems driven by DFA with mixed-mode effects, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2020, 31(5).

197. Stability analysis of time-delay discrete systems with logic impulses, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2019, 78.

196. Ultimate boundedness of discrete stochastic time-delay systems with logic impulses,Neural Computing and Applications, 2020, 32(10).

195. On finite-time stability of nonautonomous nonlinear systems, International Journal of Control, 2020, 93(4).

194. Observer-based adaptive finite-time quantized tracking control of nonstrict-feedback nonlinear systems with asymmetric actuator saturation, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, online.

193. Practical stability of nonlinear measure differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2018, 30(1).

192. Exponential synchronization of complex networks with continuous dynamics and Boolean mechanism, Neurocomputing, 2018, 307(1).

191. Finite-time stability of nonlinear systems with impulsive effects due to logic choice, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2018, 12(11).

190. Approximate controllability of semilinear measure driven systems, Mathematische Nachrichten, 2018,291(13).

189. Stability of quaternion-valued recurrent neural networks with mixed delays, Neural Processing Letters, 2019,49(2).

188. Stability of quaternion-valued impulsive delay difference systems and its application to neural networks, Neurocomputing, 2018, 284(1).

187. Distributed optimal control and L2 gain performance for the multi-agent system with impulsive effects, Systems & Control Letters, 2018, 113(1).

186. Stability and exponential stability of complex-valued discrete linear systems with delay, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2018, 16(3).

185.Existence and uniqueness results for Quaternion-valued nonlinear impulsive differential systems,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2018, 31(3).

184. Implicit Lyapunov-based control strategy for closed quantum systems with dipole and polarizability coupling, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2017, 27(17).

183.Controllability of measure driven evolution systems with nonlocal conditions,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2017, 299(1).

182. Distributed optimal analysis for the multi-agent system with hybrid protocols, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2017, 354(2).

181. Analysis of the dynamics of piecewise linear memristor, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2016,26(13).

180. Consensus Analysis of Switching Multi-agent Systems with Fixed Topology and Time-delay, Physica A, 2016, 463(1).

179. On the existence of discontinuous periodic solutions for a class of Li/'enard systems with impulses, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2016, 291(1).

178. Pixel-based speckle adjustment for noise reduction in Fourier-domain OCT images,Biomedical Optics Express, 2017, 8(3).

177. On the existence and uniqueness of a limit cycle for a Lienard system with a discontinuity line, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 2016, 15(6).

176. Periodic orbits analysis in a class of planar Lienard systems with state-triggered jumps,International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2016, 26(9).

175. Measures of noncompactness in spaces of regulated functions with application to semilinear measure driven equations, Boundary Value Problems, 2016, 2016: 38.

174. On the multilevel nonlinear problem and its convergence algorithms, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. , 2016, 9 (3).

173. The problem of split convex feasibility and its alternating approximation algorithms, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2015, 31(12).

172. On existence of nonlinear measure driven equations involving non-absolutely convergent integrals,Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2016, 20(1).

171. Extinction in a Lotka-Volterra competitive system with impulse and the effect of toxic substances, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(3).

170. Necessary and sufficient conditions of stationary average consensus for second-order multi-agent systems, International Journal of Systems Science, 2016, 47(15).

169. Distributed optimal control for multi-agent systems with obstacle avoidance,Neurocomputing, 2016,17(1).

168. Global exponential stability of Clifford-valued recurrent neural networks, Neurocomputing, 2016,17(1).

167.On the number of limit cycles for discontinuous generalized Lienard polynomial differential systems,International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2015, 25(10).

166. Existence and uniqueness of limit cycles in discontinuous planar differential systems, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 2016,15(1).

165. Practical stability of fuzzy differential equations with the second type of Hukuhara derivative,Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 2015, 29(1).

164.Optimal control of a delayed SLBS computer virus model, Physica A, 2015,427(1).

163. Convergence domain for time-varying switched systems, Systems & Control Letters, 2015,78(1).

162. On the uniqueness of limit cycles in discontinuous Liénard-type systems, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2014, 2014(71).

161.Existence of solutions for semilinear measure driven equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2015, 425(2).

160.Sample controllability of impulsive differential systems with random coefficients, International Journal of Systems Science,2016,47(10).

159. Consensus of discrete-time linear multi-agent systems with Markov switching topologies and time-delay, Neurocomputing, 2015,151(2).

158. Analysis of epidemic spreading with feedback mechanism in weighted networks, International Journal of Biomathematics, 2015,8(1).

157. Optimal vaccination and treatment of an epidemic network model, Physics Letters A, 2014, 378(41).

156. On existence and uniqueness of random impulsive differential equations, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2016,29(2).

155. Asymptotic stability of differential systems with impulsive effects suffered by logic choice, Automatica, 2015, 51(1).

154. Stability of fuzzy differential equations with the second type of Hukuhara derivative, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2015, 23(4).

153. Stability and stabilisatin of context-sensitive probabilistic Boolean networks, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2014, 8(17).

152. Existence of mild solutions for the impulsive semilinear nonlocal problem with random effects, Advances in Difference Equations, 2014, 2014/1/194.

151.Global stability and optimal control of an SIRS epidemic model on hetergeneous networks, Physica A, 2014, 410(1).

150. Stability of complex-valued impulsive and switching system and application to Lu system, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2014,14c.

149. Stability of complex-valued impulsive system with delay, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014, 240(1).

148. Controllability of impulsive mixed type Volterra-Fredholm stochastic systems with nonlocal conditions, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2015, 25(13).

147. A delayed SEIRS epidemic model with impulsive vaccination and nonlinear incidence rate,International Journal of Biomathematics, 2014, 7(3).

146. On hybrid control of higher order Boolean networks, Neurocomputing, 2014, 142(1).

145. Output controllability and optimal output control of state-dependent switched Boolean control network, Automatica, 2014, 50(7).

144. Stabilization, controllability and optimal Control of Boolean networks with impulsive effects and state constraints, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2015,60(3).

143. Further investigate the stability of complex-valued recurrent neural networks with time-delays, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2014,25(9).

142. Finite-time stability of quantum systems with impulses, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2014, 8(8).

141. Global stability of an SI epidemic model with feedback controls, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2014, 28(1).

140. Stability analysis of an SIS epidemic model with feedback mechanism on networks, Physica A, 2014, 394(1).

139. Global stability and stabilization of switched Boolean network with impulsive effects, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013, 224(1).

138. Stability analysis of complex-value nonlinear delay differential systems, Systems & Control Letters, 2013,62(10).

137. Stability Analysis of Complex-Valued Nonlinear Differential System, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013(2013)621957.

136. Lyapunov control of quantum systems with impulsive control fields, The Scientific World Journal, 2013(2013)814080.

135. Hybrid impulsive control for closed quantum systems, The Scientific World Journal, 2013(2013)545091.

134. Controllability and observability of complex [r]-matrix time-varying impulsive systems, Advances in Difference Equations, 2013, 2013/1/129.

133. Asymptotic Behavior of Neutral Delay Differential Equation of Euler Form with Constant Impulsive Jumps, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013,219(19).

132. Stability Analysis of Complex-Valued Impulsive System, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2013,7(8).

131. A geometric approach for observability and accessibility of discrete-time nonlinear switched impulsive systems, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2013,7(7).

130. One Lyapunov Control For Quantum Systems and Its Application to Entanglement Generation, Physics Letters A, 2013, 377(12).

129. Finite-time Stability of Quantum Systems Governed by Schr$/ddot{o}$dinger's Equation, International Journal of Control, 2013,86(6).

128. Controllability of impulsive neutral functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013(2013), Article ID 861568.

127. Stability Analysis of Second-order Differential Systems with Erlang Distribution Random Impulses, Advances in Difference Equations, 2013, 2013(1).

126. A new approach for global controllability of higher order Boolean control network, Neural Networks, 2013, 39 (1).

125. Observability and detectability of discrete-time stochastic systems with Markovian jump, Systems & Control Letters, 2013, 62(1).

124. Controllability of linear impulsive stochastic systems in Hilbert spaces, Automatica, 2013, 49(4).

123. A new calculation for Boolean derivative using Cheng product, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012(2012), Article ID 748343.

122. Existence and uniqueness of solutions to complex-valued nonlinear impulsive differential systems, Advances in Difference Equations , 2012, 2012:115.

121. Stability analysis for impulsive coupled systems on networks, Neurocomputing, 2013,99(1).

120. Controllability and optimal control of a temporal Boolean network, Neural Networks, 2012,34(1).

119. Synchronization analysis for multivalued logical networks, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2013,23(4).

118. Controllability of higher order Boolean control networks, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012, 219(1).

117. Approximate controllability of stochastic impulsive functional systems with infinite delay, Automatica, 2012, 48(10).

116. Relative controllability of stochastic nonlinear systems with delay in control, Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Applications, 2012,13(6).

115. Finite-time filtering for discrete-time linear impulsive systems, Signal Processing , 2012, 92(11).

114. Approximate controllability of abstract stochastic impulsive systems with multiple time-varying delays , International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2013, 23(8).

113. Complete controllability for abstract measure differential systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2013, 23(7).

112. Geometric Analysis of Reachability and Observability for Impulsive Systems on Complex Field, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012 (2012), Article ID 876120.

111. A Geometric Method for Observability and Accessibility of Discrete Impulsive Nonlinear Systems, International Journal of Systems Science, 2013, 44(8).

110. Existence of solutions for perturbed abstract measure functional differential equations, Advances in Difference Equations, 2011, 2011(67).

109. Stability of impulsive stochastic differential equations in terms of two measures via perturbing Lyapunov functions, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012,218(9).

108. Existence and uniqueness of mild solutions for nonlinear stochastic impulsive differential equation, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2011, 2011(439724).

107. Global stability of delay multigroup epidemic models with group mixing and nonlinear incidence rates, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011, 218(8)

106. Stability and stabilization of Boolean networks with impulsive effects, Systems & Control Letters, 2012, 61(1).

105. Approximate controllability for abstract measure differential systems, Systems & Control Letters, 2012, 61(1).

104. Finite-time stability of nonlinear switched impulsive systems, International Journal of Systems Science, 2013,44(5).

103. Stochastic finite-time stability of nonlinear Markovian switching systems with impulsive effects, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 2012,134(1).

102. Stability analysis for coupled systems with time delay on networks, Physica A, 2012,391(3).

101. H∞ quantized control for nonlinear networked control systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2011,174(1).

100. Approximate controllability of stochastic impulsive systems with control-dependent coefficients, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2011,5(16).

99.Stability and stabilization of multivalued logical networks, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2011,12(6).

98. Stability of impulsive piecewise linear systems, International Journal of Systems Science, 2013, 44(1).

97. Controllability of probabilistic Boolean control network, Automatica, 2011,47(12).

96. Observability analysis of Boolean control networks with impulsive effects, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2011, 5(14).

95. An implicit Lyapunov control for finite-dimensional closed quantum systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , 2012,22(11).

94. Observability of Boolean control networks with state time delays, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2011, 22(6).

93. Stability of impulsive stochastic differential delay systems and its application to impulsive stochastic neural networks, Nonlinear Analysis, 2011,74(10).

92. p-th moment exponential stability of stochastic differential equations with impulse effect, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2011, 54(8).

91. Adaptive-impulsive synchronization of chaotic systems, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2011, 81(8).

90. Controllability of Boolean control networks with time-delays in states, Automatica, 2011, 47(3).

89. Monotone iterative method for the Second-order three-point boundary value problem with upper and lower solutions in the reversed order, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011, 217(9).

88. Stability analysis of a reduced model of the lac operon under impulsive and switching control, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2011,12(2).

87. Asymptotic stability of a genetic network under impulsive control, Physics Letters A , 2010, 374(31-32).

86. Finite-time stability of linear time-varying singular impulsive systems, IET Control Theory Appl., 2010, 4(10).

85. Stability analysis of a class of stochastic differential delay equations with nonlinear impulsive effects, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2010, 347(7).

84. Existence and uniqueness of solutions for stochastic impulsive differential equations, Stochastics and Dynamics, 2010, 10(3).

83. Complete controllability of impulsive stochastic integrodifferential systems, Automatica, 2010, 46(6).

82. A geometric approach for reachability and observability of linear switched impulsive systems, Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications , 2010,72(11).

81. Global Existence of Solutions for Stochastic Impulsive Differential Equations, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2011, 27(4).

80. Stability analysis of nonlinear stochastic differential delay systems under impulsive control , Physics Letters A , 2010, 374(9).

79. Delay-dependent robust stability and H (infinite) analysis of stochastic systems with time-varying delay, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2010, 31(2).

78. On qualitative analysis of delay systems and // $x^{/triangle}=f(t,x,x^{/sigma}) on time scales, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), 2010,120(2).

77. Function projective synchronization of two-cell Quantum-CNN chaotic oscillators by nonlinear adaptive controller, Physics Letters A, 2010,374(4).

76. A tree-like complex network model, Physica A, 2010, 389(1).

75. H(infinite) output feedback stabilization of linear discrete-time systems with impulses, International Journal of Systems Science, 2010, 41(4).

74. Controllability and observability for time-varying switched impulsive controlled systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2010, 20(12).

73. Extended Petersen networks, Physics Letters A, 2009, 373(37).

72. Robust filtering for discrete time piecewise impulsive systems, Signal Processing, 2010, 90(1).

71. Guaranteed cost control for a class of uncertain stochastic impulsive systems with Markovian switching, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 2009, 27(6).

70. Stability of linear stochastic differential delay systems under impulsive control, IET Control Theory & Applications, 2009, 3(11).

69. Impulsive stabilization of second-order nonlinear delay differential systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009,214(1).

68. Altering synchronizability by adding and deleting edges on scale-free networks, Physica A, 2009,388(15-16).

67.Controllability and observability for impulsive systems on complex field, Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Applications, 2010, 11(3).

66.Uniform eventual Lipschitz stability of impulsive systems on time scales, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009, 211(1) .

65.Stability of impulsive linear hybrid systems with delay, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2010,23(4).

64. Robust H(infinite) filtering for discrete-time impulsive systems with uncertainty, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2009, 30(2).

63.Impulsive control of discrete systems with time delay, IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 2009, 54(4).

62.Positive periodic solutions of first-order functional differential equations with parameter, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2009, 229(1).

61.Impulsive control of time-delay systems using delayed impulses and its application to impulsive master-slave synchronization, Physics Letters A, 2008, 372(42).

60.Stationary oscillation of impulsive delayed system and its application to chaotic neural networks, Chaos, 2008, 18(3).

59.A Lie algebraic condition of stability for hybrid systems and application to hybrid synchronization, Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2009, 19(1).

58.A local-world node deleting evolving network, Physics Letters A, 2008, 372(25).

57.Stabilization of discrete-time Markovian jump linear systems via time-delayed and impulsive controllers, Automatica, 2008, 44(11).

56.On stability in terms of two measures for delay impulsive systems on time scales, 数学学报,2008, 51(4).

55.Finite-time stability of linear time-varying singular systems with impulsive effects, International Journal of Control, 2008, 81(11).

54. Controllability and observability for a class of time-varying impulsive systems,Nonlinear Analysis:Real World Applications,2009,10(3).

53.Oscillation of second order delay differential equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2008, 198(2).

52.Stationary oscillation for chaotic shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks with impulses, Chaos, 2007,17(4).

51.On hybrid control of a class of stochastic non-linear Markovian switching systems, Automatica, 2008, 44(4).

50. Finite-Time stabilization of linear systems via impulsive control, International Journal of Control, 2008, 81(6).

49.Impulsive robust fault-tolerant feedback control for chaotic Lur’e systems, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009, 39(3).

48.Global asymptotic stability of delay BAM neural networks with impulses via nonsmooth analysis, Neurocomputing, 2008, 71(7-9).

47. Stability of impulsive functional differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis, 2008, 68(12).

46. H (infinite) filtering for a class of stochastic Markovian jump systems with impulsive effects,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,2008,18(1).

45. Stability criteria for impulsive systems on time scales, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2008, 213(2).

44. A less conservative stability test for second-order linear time-varying vector differential equations,International Journal of Control, 2007, 80(4).

43. Globally exponential stability of periodic solution for nonlinear impulsive delay systems, Nonlinear Analysis, 2007, 67(6).

42. Existence of periodic solution for a harvested system with impulses at variable times, Physics Letters A, 2006, 360(1).

41. Impulsive stabilization of second-order delay differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2007, 8(5).

40. Stability criteria of delay impulsive systems on time scales, Nonlinear Analysis, 2007, 67(4).

39. Stability of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy delay systems with impulse,IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2007, 15(5).

38. Eventual stability of impulsive differential systems, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2007, 27B(2).

37. Nonlinear boundary problem of first order impulsive integro-differential equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2007,202(5).

36. Stability of impulsive infinite delay differential equations, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2006, 19(10).

35. Nonlinear boundary value problem for first order impulsive integro-differential equations of mixed type,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2007,325(2).

34. p-Moment stability of stochastic differential equations with impulsive jump and Markovian switching,Automatica, 2006, 42(10).

33. Asymptotic behavior of solutions of nonlinear highter-order neutral type difference equations,Journal of Difference Equations and Applications,2006,12(5).

32. Boundary value problem of second order impulsive functional differential equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2006,323(1).

31.Stationary oscillation of impulsive system, Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2006, 16(10).

30. Strict stability of impulsive differential equations, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 2006, 22(3).

29. Impulsive control of second-order differential equations with delay, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems A, 2006, 13(3-4).

28. Nonlinear boundary value problem of first order impulsive functional differential equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2006, 318(2).

27.Stability of impulsive differential equations with time delay, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems A, Proceedings (3), 2005.

26.On the conjunction practical stability and controllability of large-scale impulsive control systems, J of Control Theory and Applications, 2005, 3(2)

25. Impulsive control of Lur'e systems, International Journal of Systems Science, 2005, 36(13).

24. On impulsive dynamic systems, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Proceedings (3), 2005.

23. Stability of impulsive neural networks with time delays, Physics Letters A, 2005, 348(1-2).

22. Stability of impulsive linear differential equations with time delay, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II , 2005, 52(10).

21. Stability of impulsive delay differential equations with impulses at variable times, Dynamical Systems- An International Journal, 2005, 20(3).

20. Strict stability of impulsive functional differential equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2005,301(1).

19. Eventual practical stability of impulsive differential equations with time delay in terms of two measurements, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2005, 176(1).

18. Controlling chaotic Lu systems using impulsive control, Phys Letters A, 2005, 342(3).

17. Impulsive control of a Chemical reactor system, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B, 2004,11a.

16. Delay-dependent stability criteria for coupled chaotic systems via unidirectional linear error feedback approach,Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2004,22(1).

15. Practical stability of impulsive functional differential equations in terms of two measurements, An International Journal-Computers & Mathenatics with Applications,2004,48(10-11).

14. Chaotic synchronization and anti-synchronization based on suitable separation, Phys. Letters A, 2004, 330(6).

13. Impulsive control of n-scroll grid attractors,Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2004,14(9).

12. Global synchronization criteria with channel time-delay chaotic time-delay system, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2004, 21(4).

11. Delay-dependent stability criteria for time-delay chaotic systems via time-delay feedback control, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2004, 21(1).

10. Impulsive control of a new chaotic system, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2004, 64(6).

9. Stability criteria of impulsive differential system, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2004,156(1).

8. Boundedness of the solution of impulsive differential systems with time-varying delay, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2004, 154(1).

7. Some global synchronization criteria for coupled delay-systems via unidirectional linear error feedback approach,Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2004,19(4).

6. The Bendixson theorem and the linear robustness theorem of discontinuous dynamical .systems, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Supple., 2003.

5. Impulsive control of a nuclear spin generator, J. of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2003, 157 (1).

4. Stability analysis of impulsive control systems, IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications, 2003, 150(4).

3. Less conservative conditions for asymptotic stability of impulsive control systems, IEEE.Trans. Automat. Control, 2003, 48(5).

2. Impulsive robust control of uncertain Lur'e systems,Phys. Letters A,2002,304(5).

1. Impulsive control for the stabilization and synchronization of Lorenz systems, Phys. Letters A,2002, 298(3).





Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa.


1. “混杂系统分析与控制的研究”获上海市自然科学奖二等奖(2020);

2. “脉冲控制系统的稳定性分析”获高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖二等奖(2011);

3. “Lienard 型(非线性)系统的定性分析及应用”获冶金部科技进步奖三等奖(1996);

4. “Berlinskii定理和区间动力系统稳定性”获安徽省高等学校科技进步奖三等奖(1997);

5. “非线性系统的定性分析”获安徽省高等学校科技进步奖三等奖(1995)。

上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)奖指导教师(有8名学生获得, 博士、硕士各4名) ;





孙继涛 (Jitao Sun), 1963年5月生,江苏张家港市人。1983年毕业于南京大学数学系,获学士学位;2002年7月在华南理工大学获控制理论与控制工程专业博士学位。95年在华东冶金学院晋升为教授,曾担任《华东冶金学院学报》编辑委员会副主任委员。97年调入上海铁道大学工作,担任校学位委员会委员,《上海铁道大学学报》编辑委员会委员,曾担任上海市高等学校教师高级职务任职资格评审委员会数学学科评议组成员。2000年4月并入同济大学,现为数学系二级教授,博士研究生导师。 Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa.

是国务院学位办高等院校博士点函评专家,为IEEE非线性电路与系统学会技术委员会成员(IEEE NCAS—TC),美国《数学评论》评论员。

2004年3月至6月访问香港城市大学混沌控制与同步中心;2005年2月至5月是香港城市大学数学系Research Fellow; 2005年7月至9月是澳大利亚中昆士兰大学信息与通信学院Visiting Professor; 2006年2月至10月、2007年8-10月以及2008年4-6月是新加坡国立大学Research Fellow; 2009年11月-2010年5月是美国威廉玛丽学院访问学者; 2013年11月-2014年5月是约翰霍普金斯大学访问学者,2015年9月至2016年2月是密歇根大学访问学者。

在国内外学术刊物上发表论文240余篇。SCIE收录200余篇,h-index为34;ESI 高被引论文7篇(第一或通讯作者);美国《数学评论》收录210余篇。在国际会议上发表论文10余篇并被ISTP收录。



上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)奖指导教师(8名学生),教育部博士研究生学术新人奖指导教师(2名学生) ,同济大学优秀博士学位论文指导教师(6名学生),同济大学优秀毕业论文指导教师。

最关注的学生:女儿,孙若琰,1992年3月生,本科毕业于 College of William and Mary, Majors: Economics and History; 2014年5月获 Master's degree of Health Science in Health Economics at Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University; 同年8月进入Ph.D. program in Health Services Organization & Policy, School of Public Health, University Of Michigan-Ann Arbor; 2019年9月入职为 Assistant Professor ( tenure-track ) of the Department of Health Care Organization and Policy , School of Public Health at the University of Alabama at Birmingham ( 由 2020 USnews , 相关专业排名 : #1 in Health Care Management; #19 in Public Health ) .

研究生情况见下面“ 教学状况 " 栏目。


联系方式:Email: sunjt@sh163.net ; sunjt@tongji.edu.cn . Tel: 021-65983241-1210(O).






45. 黄勤博(硕博连读)2022.9-现在 在读

44. 薛雨婷(硕博连读)2021.8-现在 在读, 已经发表、接受SCI 论文1篇。

43. 汪琪瑶(硕博连读)2020.9-现在 在读

42. 莫 瑶 (硕博连读)2020.9-现在 在读,已经发表、接受SCI 论文1篇。

41. 吴林烨 (硕博连读)2019.8-现在 在读

40. 姚钰华 (硕博连读)2018.9-现在 在读, 已经发表、接受SCI 论文1篇。

39. 李安妮 (硕士)2017.9-2020.5 波士顿大学攻读博士学位 。发表SCI 论文4篇。

38. 吴志钡(硕博连读)2017.9-现在 在读, 已经发表、接受SCI 论文3篇。

37. 张君会(硕博连读)2016.9-2021.3 美国某高校博士后。 发表SCI 论文10篇。同济大学第14届研究生十大“学术先锋”。

36. 何振华(博士)2015.9-2018.6 广西财经大学任教。 发表SCI 论文5篇。

35. 李春香(博士)2015.9-2021.11 上海某高校任教。发表SCI 论文3 篇。

34. 朱景文(博士)2014.8-2019.9 井冈山大学任教。发表SCI 论文5篇。

33. 陈元清(硕士) 2013.9-2016.3 聚润(北京)资本管理有限公司。发表SCI论文1篇。

32. 陈丽娟(博士) 2013.9-2017.3 福州大学副教授。 发表SCI论文7篇。

31. 曹跃菊(博士)2012.9-2016.6 西北农林科技大学任教。发表SCI论文6篇。

30. 蒋芳芳(博士)2012.9-2016.3 江南大学任教。 发表SCI论文8篇。2015.1-2015.4 在 College of William and Mary 学习。

29. 张建成(硕士,提前攻博)2012.9-2014.2 现在电信学院攻读博士学位, 发表SCI论文3篇。博士毕业后在江南大学理学院任教。

28. 裴勇泉(硕士,提前攻博)2012.9-2017.3(2014.2 起继续攻读博士学位) 兴业数字金融服务股份有限公司。发表SCI论文3 篇。

27. 索婧慧(硕博连读)2011.8-2016.6 东华大学师资博士后。发表SCI论文3篇,另有EI 1篇。2014.10-2015.10在 The Ohio State University 学习。

26. 方涛(博士)2011.8-2015.8 上海工程技术大学副教授。发表SCI论文8篇。

25. 张硕睿 (硕博连读)2010.9-2015.1 工商银行上海市分行。发表SCI论文8篇。

24. 陈浩(硕博连读)2010.9-2015.1 平安证券 交易与金融衍生品事业部,教育部博士研究生学术新人奖,同济大学优秀博士学位论文获得者, 发表SCI论文9篇,另有EI 2篇。

23. 李芳菲(博士)2009.9-2012.6 华东理工大学数学系师资博士后,教育部博士研究生学术新人奖,同济第五届研究生“学术先锋”,同济大学优秀博士学位论文获得者,市高等学校优秀毕业生,2014年上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)奖获得者。发表SCI论文13篇,另有EI 1篇。

22. 完晓君 (硕士) 2009.9-2011.12 华为技术有限公司 企业风险管理。2013年上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)奖获得者。 发表SCI论文5篇。

21. 许佳 (硕士) 2009.9-2011.3 现在 Delft University of Technology 读博士。发表SCI论文4篇。博士毕业后在同济大学电信学院任教。

20. 杨伟(博士)2009.3-2013.6 现为上海机电学院教师。2010.9-2012.3 在North Carolina State Univ.-Raleigh学习。发表SCI论文5篇。

19. 李春香 (硕士) 2008.9-2011-03,第二军医大学教师。上海市高等学校优秀毕业生, 2012年上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)奖获得者。发表SCI论文3篇。

18. 申丽娟(博士)2008.9-2011-6-30 同济大学数学系师资博士后, 同济大学优秀博士学位论文获得者,2013年上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)奖获得者。发表SCI论文11篇,另有EI 1篇。

17. 谷玉盈(博士)2006.9-2009-07-01上海商学院教师。上海市高等学校优秀毕业生。发表SCI论文4篇。

16. 赵寿为(博士)2006.3-2009-07-01上海工程技术大学教师。2008年11月-2009年5月,National University of Singapore, Research Fellow。同济大学

优秀博士学位论文获得者,2012年上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)奖获得者。 发表SCI论文14篇,另有EI 1篇。

15. 文 臻 (硕士)2005.9-2008-01-01 上海现代建筑设计(集团)有限公司信息中心。发表SCI论文2篇。

14. 马亚军(硕士)2005.9-2008-01-01,2010年上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)奖获得者。发表SCI论文4篇。

13. 翁爱治(博士)2005.9-2008-07-01上海政法学院教师。同济大学优秀博士学位论文获得者。发表SCI论文5篇。

12. 董跃武 (博士) 2005.3-2009-08-01同济大学数学系教师。2007年1月- 2007年3月, National University of Singapore, Research Fellow. 发表SCI论文4篇。

11. 潘圣韬(硕士)2004.9-2007-01-01上海证券报记者。发表SCI论文4篇。

10. 吴慧君(硕士)2004.9-2007-01-01上海海关。发表SCI论文3篇。

9. 刘 黎 (硕士)2004.9-2007-01-01毕马威华振会计事务所(KPMG),上海。上海市高等学校优秀毕业生。发表SCI论文4篇。

8. 陈黎静(硕士)2003.9-2005-12-01现为浙江台州电大教师, 2007年上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)奖获得者。发表SCI论文4篇。

7. 汪转兰(硕士)2003.9-2005-12-01好利旺机械(上海)有限公司 行政主管。发表SCI论文2篇、EI论文1篇。

6. 张瑜 (博士)2002.9-2007-01-01,2004.3在同济大学继续攻读博士学位,2005年7月-2005年10月,City University of Hong Kong, Research Assistant。


5. 夏正威(硕士)2002.9-2004-12-01现为上海第二工业大学教师。发表EI论文1篇。

4. 陈狄岚(硕士)2001.9-2003-12-01现为上海海事大学教师。发表SCI论文2篇。

3. 王居凤(硕士)2000.9-2002-12-01现为中国计量学院教师。

2. 余昭旭(硕士)1998.9-2000-12-01现为华东理工大学教师。

1. 叶卓映(硕士)1998.9-2000-12-01现为厦门城市职业学院教师。


解决了叶彦谦先生的公开问题,成果(定理和证明)被收录到《现代数学丛书》专著中。独立完成的科研成果《Lienard 型系统的定性分析及应用》经冶金部鉴定认为达到国际先进水平;与另一位同事合作完成的科研成果《非线性系统的大范围性态分析及其应用研究》经冶金部鉴定认为达到国际先进水平。以第一完成人身份完成的“混杂系统分析与控制的研究”获上海市自然科学奖二等奖(2020), “脉冲控制系统的稳定性分析”获高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖(2011),“Lienard 型(非线性)系统的定性分析及应用”获冶金部科技进步奖(1996),“非线性系统的定性分析”(1995)与“Berlinskii定理和区间动力系统稳定性”(1997)分获安徽省高等学校科技进步奖。




