

  1. Zhang, Y., Zhou, Y., and Zhu, L. (2025, alphabetical). Interval Quantile Correlations with Applications to Testing High-dimensional Quantile Effects. Journal of Econometrics. In press.

  2. Zhou, Y., and Jiang, F. (2025). Heterogeneous Functional Regression for Subgroup Analysis. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. In press.

  3. Xu, K., Zhou, Y., and Zhu, L. (2025). Adjusted Location-invariant U-Tests for the Covariance Matrix with Elliptically High-Dimensional Data. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 52: 249-269.

  4. Zhang, Y., Zhou, Y. and Zhu, L. (2024, alphabetical). A Post-screening Diagnostic Study for Ultrahigh Dimensional Data. Journal of Econometrics. 239, 105354.

  5. Zhou, Y., Xu, K., Zhu, L. and Li, R. (2024). Rank-Based Indices for Testing Independence between Two High-Dimensional Vectors. The Annals of Statistics. 52(1), 184-206.

  6. 周叶青, 许凯, 朱利平(2024). 非线性相依数据关联分析. 中国科学·数学. 54(8): 1169-1194.

  7. Jiang, F., Zhou, Y., Liu, J. and Ma, Y. (2023). On High Dimensional Poisson Models with Measurement Error: Hypothesis Testing for Nonlinear Nonconvex Optimization. The Annals of Statistics, 51(1), 233-259.

  8. Li, R. Xu, K., Zhou, Y. and Zhu, L. (2023, alphabetical). Testing the Effects of High-Dimensional Covariates via Aggregating Cumulative Covariances. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 118(543), 2184-2194.

  9. Zhou, Y., Zhang, Y., and Zhu, L. (2022). A Projective Approach to Conditional Independence Test for Dependent Processes. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 40(1), 398-407.

  10. Xu, K., and Zhou, Y. (2021). Projection-Averaging-Based Cumulative Covariance and Its Use in Goodness-of-Fit Testing for Single-Index Models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 164, 107301.

  11. Xu, K. and Zhou, Y. (2021). Maximum-type Tests for High-dimensional Regression Coefficients Using Wilcoxon Scores. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 211, 221-240.

  12. Zhou, Y., Liu, J., and Zhu, L. (2020). Test for Conditional Independence with Application to Conditional Screening. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 175, 104557.

  13. Zhou, Y., Liu, J., Hao, Z. and Zhu, L. (2019). Model-Free Conditional Feature Screening with Exposure Variables. Statistics and Its Interface, 12(2), 239-251.

  14. Zhang, X., Li, L., Zhou, H., Zhou, Y., Shen, D. and ADNI (2019). Tensor Generalized Estimating Equations for Longitudinal Imaging Analysis. Statistica Sinica. 29, 1977-2005.

  15. Zhou, Y. and Zhu, L. (2018). Model-Free Feature Screening for Ultrahigh Dimensional Data through a Modified Blum-Kiefer-Rosenblatt Correlation. Statistica Sinica, 8, 1351-1370.