复几何中一类完全非线性偏微分方程在本次报告中,我们将讨论一类复Monge-Ampere型偏微分方程及其在复几何中的应用。李逸 教授(东南大学)https://meeting.tencent.com/s/0s2Q715W1X1w2021年03月30日 13:00-14:00
Isoperimetric Problem and Minkowski Problems in Integral Geometric AnalysisIsoperimetric problem is to determine a convex body of maximum volume with fixed surface area and is equivalent to the isoperimetric inequality. The Minkowski problem in differential geometry asked for necessary and sufficient conditions such that a positive smooth function on the sphere is the Gauss curvature of a convex hypersurface.This problem has been solved by Nirenberg, Pogorelov, Cheng-Yau and others. Those two problems are among the most important and closely related problems in mathematics. We will address Minkowskin problems in integral and convex geometry that are inspired by Lutwak-Yang-Zhang.周家足 教授(西南大学)致远楼101室2021年3月17日15:30-16:30
数学与医疗学科交叉------罗氏的思维与实践本报告以罗氏集团这几年在数学与医疗学科交叉的尝试和中国医疗健康的现状、机遇与挑战为切入点,对医疗健康领域中不同尺度的数学问题进行了具体的举例,重点介绍了罗氏集团和牛津大学、苏黎世大学以及同济大学在这些领域的合作模式和拟解决的具体问题,并对未来数学学科与医疗学科的交叉、应用与落地提出了展望。牟刚 博士 (罗氏集团)腾讯会议室2021年1月25日(周一) 14:30-15:30
Some Results on Li-Yau-Hamilton EstimatesIn this talk, I will discuss the Li-Yau-Hamilton estimates for the heat equation and nonlinear parabolic equations. Moreover, I will talk about some applications.任新安 教授 (中国矿业大学)2021年1月9日 (周六) 15:00-16:00
金融数学网上短课程教师:Dr. Sanae Rujivan (Walailak University)课程时间 The first course takes in Dec. 28, 2020, following by 7 courses (Jan 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26,2021,every time 1 hour from 14:00),课程目的 introducing one class of continuous-time stochastic processes known as Ito processes widely used in quantitative finance to describe stock price dynamics. Furthermore, this course introduces two import...Dr. Sanae Rujivan (Walailak University)zoom会议室2020年12月28日
A simplified Analytical Approach for Pricing Discretely-Sampled Gamma Swaps i...2020年12月24日(星期四)上午9:00—10:00 摘要: In this talk, we study a Boltzmann-type Mean Field Game model proposed in Achdou et al. (2014) for knowledge diffusion and economic growth, where knowledge diffusion results from imitation by searching and learning and from innovation subject to Brownian noises. Largely inspired by Dai et al. (2009), where the marginal value function has been used directly to study portfolio selection with transaction costs, we transform the original partial integro-differential equation system into an equivalent one by also studying a representative agent's marginal value function. We show a necessary condition to generate a sustained growth is that innovation cannot dominate imitation. In particular, when learning technology is sufficiently inefficient or discount rate is sufficiently low, either of which leads individuals to put no effort in imitation, sustained economic growth then disappears. FurtherDr. Sanae Rujivan (Walailak University)致远楼103室2020年12月24日(星期四)上午9:00—10:00
Free Algebras of Modular Forms on Type IV Symmetric DomainsIt is a classical problem to determine the algebra of automorphic forms on symmetric domains. The first breakthrough was due to Igusa, who showed in 1962 that the algebra of genus 2 Siegel modular forms of even weight is freely generated by four forms of weights 4, 6, 10, 12.In this talk, we introduce a new approach to classify and construct free algebras of modular forms on symmetric domains of type IV. We first establish a sufficient and necessary condition for the graded algebra of orthogonal modular forms being free. We then prove an explicit classification result and present more than 70 such王好武 博士(德国马普数学研究所)致远楼101室2020年12月21日 10:00-11:00
The Steganography Technology Based on Linear CodesData hiding or steganography in image is a scheme of hiding the secret message into the cover image. It can be used to transmit the secret data by the cover image or embed important information such as copyright information, authentication information or management information in the cover images. The quality of stego-image is the main object of the applications in copyright protection and the image authentication. The method to improve the quality is to enhance the embedding efficiency. In order to achieve a higher embedding capacity and embedding efficiency,廖群英 教授(四川师范大学)致远楼101室2020年12月20日 10:00-11:00