Classification of Lump Type Solutions to the KP-I Equation题目:Classification of Lump Type Solutions to the KP-I Equation报告人:刘勇 教授 (中国科学技术大学)时间:2023年10月19日 8:00-9:00地点:腾讯会议室摘要: KP-I equation is an important integrable PDE. The lump solution of KP-I equation is a travelling wave solution decaying at an algebraic rate and ortibally stable. It turns out that the KP-I equation also has other lump type solutions which hav...刘勇 教授 (中国科学技术大学)腾讯会议室2023年10月19日 8:00-9:00
Weighted Geometric Inequalities And Applications题目:Weighted Geometric Inequalities And Applications报告人:韦勇 教授 (中国科学技术大学)时间:2023年10月23日 14:30-15:30地点:致远楼101室Abstract: In this talk, we discuss some weighted geometric inequalities for domains in space forms. Firstly, we consider a weighted isoperimetric inequality which compares boundary momentum, boundary area and enclosed volume for a star-shaped and mean con...韦勇 教授 (中国科学技术大学)致远楼101室2023年10月23日 14:30-15:30
Adaptive Finite Elements VIA Duality题目:Adaptive Finite Elements VIA Duality报告人:章顺 博士 (香港城市大学)时间:2023年10月19日 上午10:00-11:00地点:致远楼101室摘要:In this talk, we discuss two kinds of dualities and their applications in adaptive finite element methods.The first duality is the duality from the convex optimization. Some PDE model has a natural energy to minimize.A complementary energy maximization proble...章顺 博士 (香港城市大学)致远楼101室2023年10月19日 上午10:00-11:00
Modeling Thermoelastic Bresse Systems and Exponential Stability题目:Modeling Thermoelastic Bresse Systems and Exponential Stability报告人:Professor Ma To Fu (University of Brasilia)时间:2023年10月7日 14:00—15:00地点:致远楼101室摘要:In this talk we deal with Bresse sytems, a model for circular beams featuring bending moments, shear forces and longitudinal forces. To this class of beams we show how to build new thermoelastic models and their expone...Professor Ma To Fu (University of Brasilia)致远楼101室
凸几何的一些方面题目:凸几何的一些方面报告人:王拓 教授 (陕西师范大学)时间:2023年9月21日 15:10-16:10地点:腾讯会议室摘要:在此报告中,我们将讨论包括 The affine Sobolev-Zhang inequality on BV(R^n), The affine Pólya-Szegö principle,The discrete functional L p Minkowski problem, The affine BV capacity, Valuations in Convex Geometry 等话题。参会方式:腾讯会议室账号:662-859-6692All are welcome王拓 教授 (陕西师范大学)腾讯会议室2023年9月21日 15:10-16:10
On Sharp Discrete Hardy-Rellich Inequalities题目:On Sharp Discrete Hardy-Rellich Inequalities报告人:黄侠 副教授 (华东师范大学)时间:2023年9月21日 14:05-15:05地点:腾讯会议室摘要:Although the history of Hardy inequalities found its origin somehow in the discrete setting, the discrete Hardy-Rellich inequalities are much less understood comparing to the continuous situation. We will show discrete Hardy-Rellich inequalities with and...黄侠 副教授 (华东师范大学)腾讯会议室2023年9月21日 14:05-15:05
On the Neumann Problem for Monge-Ampere Type Equations题目:On the Neumann Problem for Monge-Ampere Type Equations报告人:蒋飞达 教授 (东南大学 数学学院与丘成桐中心)时间:2023年9月21日 13:00-14:00地点:腾讯会议室摘要:In this talk, we will study the classical solvability of the Neumann problem for Monge-Ampere type equations in Euclidean space, which has applications in fully nonlinear Yamabe problem with prescribed boundary mean curvature in ...蒋飞达 教授 (东南大学 数学学院与丘成桐中心)腾讯会议室2023年9月21日 13:00-14:00
Gradient Estimate for the Solutions to Elliptic Equations and Related Problem...题目:Gradient Estimate for the Solutions to Elliptic Equations and Related Problems报告人:王培合 教授 (曲阜师范大学)时间:2023年09月21日 10:20-11:20地点:腾讯会议室摘要:In this report, I will begin with the general theory for the solution to the elliptic equations of second order. I mainly introduce the a priori gradient estimate for several problems.参会方式:腾讯会议室账号:662-859-669...王培合 教授 (曲阜师范大学)腾讯会议室2023年09月21日 10:20-11:20