Population Models with Allee Effect in Advective EnvironmentWe show that in a spatial population model with strong Allee effect, the population becomes extinct no matter how large the initial population is, if the advection is strong enough. Hence the extinction equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable, which is quite different from the case of small or no advection that the dynamics is bistable. We will show results in both ODE patch model and reaction-diffusion-advection model. It is based on joint work with Leah Shaw, Maggie Swift, Yan Wang (College of William and Mary), and Jinfeng Wang (Harbin Normal University)史峻平 汉密尔顿讲座教授致远楼102室2017年6月7日(周三)14:00
A Mathematical Model of Interaction of Pelagic Algae, Benthic Algae and Nutri...A coupled system of ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations is proposed to describe the interaction of pelagic algae, benthic algae and one essential nutrient in an oligotrophic shallow aquatic ecosystem with ample supply of light. The existence, uniqueness and stability of non-negative steady states are shown, and these results characterize some threshold conditions for the regime shift. The influence of environmental parameters on algal biomass density is also considered史峻平 汉密尔顿讲座教授致远楼102室2017年6月7日(周三) 15:30
Discrete Game Theory and Applications in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equat...题目:Discrete Game Theory and Applications in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations报告人:柳青 教授(福冈大学)地点:致远楼107室时间:2017年6月5日,星期一 下午4:00—5:00欢迎各位参加柳青 教授致远楼107室2017年6月5日,星期一 下午4:00—5:00
An Introduction to Cheeger-Colding TheoryIn this talk, I will give a brief introduction to the Cheeger-Colding theory. Firstly I review the definition of Gromov-Hausdorff distance and Gromov's precompactness theorem. Secondly I will focus on the three fundamental theorem in this field, i.e. Almost splittng theorem, Almost volume cone implying almost metric cone and volume continuity. I will explain the ideas to prove them. Finally I will mention some important applictions made by experts in this field and some open problems.吴国强致远楼102室2017年6月2日 PM 1:30-2:30
A Note on Convex Hypersurfaces with SingularitiesWe study singular closed convex hypersurfaces with constant Weingarten curvature. The main result is two-folded: if the hypersurface with pointed singularities having $H_k=const$ for $1/leq k/leq n-1$ , then singularities are removable; while for k=n, there do exist singular convex hypersurfaces with constant Gaussian curvature, but if there are only two singular points, then the hypersurface must be a rotational symmetric football. This is a joint work with H. Fang and W. Wo来米加致远楼102室2017年6月2日 PM 2:40-3:40
我的数学历程题目:我的数学历程报告人:石钟慈 院士 (中国科学院 数学与系统科学院)地点:致远楼107室时间:2017年6月2日 16:00-17:00欢迎各位参石钟慈 院士2017年6月2日 16:00-17:00致远楼107室
非紧Kahler流形的典则度量题目:非紧Kahler流形的典则度量报告人:傅吉祥 教授 (复旦大学 数学科学学院)时间:2017年6月2日(周五)下午15:30-16:30地点:致远楼105室欢迎广大师生参加傅吉祥 教授致远楼105室2017年6月2日(周五)下午15:30-16:30
Optimal Bandwidth Selection in Nonlinear Cointegrating RegressionWe study optimal bandwidth selection in nonparametric cointegrating regression where the regressor is a stochastic trend process driven by short or long memory innovations. Unlike stationary regression, the optimal bandwidth is found to be a random sequence which depends on the sojourn time of the process. All random sequences that lie within a wide band of rates as the sample size goes to infinite have the property that local level and local linear kernel estimates are asymptotically normalProfessor Qiying Wang致远楼102室2017年5月30日(周二)上午10:00