平均曲率刚性定理与非刚性形变的构造我们将从Gromov的一个定理及 Souam 的“初等”证明开始,介绍平均曲率刚性现象。Gromov的定理说,一个欧氏空间的超平面,如果想在它的一个紧子集上做一个扰动,同时保持它的平均曲率H非负,则这种变形是不存在的。这个现象我们称之为“平均曲率刚性”定理。本报告中,我将解释 Souam ...马翔 教授 (北京大学)腾讯会议室2021年11月23日(星期二) 15:00-15:50
Subellipticity of Some Complex Vector Fields Related to Witten LaplacianWe consider some system of complex vector fields related to the semi-classical Witten Laplacian, and establish the local subellipticity of this system basing on condition (Ψ).李维喜 教授 (武汉大学)腾讯会议室2021年11月23日(星期二) 14:00-14:50
On Complex Structures on Einstein Four-ManifoldsThe question that when a four-manifold with a complex structure admits a compatible Einstein metric has been answered by LeBrun. In this talk, we will discuss some recent progress on the inverse question, namely, when a four-manifold with Einstein me...吴鹏 教授(复旦大学)腾讯会议室2021年11月23日(星期二) 13:00-13:50
Constant Scalar Curvature Kahler Metrics on Ramified Galois CoversLet f: M—>N be a finite ramified Galois cover between compact Kahler manifolds. If N has a cscK metric, under suitable conditions, we shall prove the existence of cscK metrics on M. This generalizes previous works of Arezzo-Ghig...石亚龙 副教授 (南京大学)腾讯会议室2021年11月23日(星期二) 11:00-11:50
Global Solutions of 2D Isentropic Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with o...We prove the global existence of solutions to the two-dimensional isentropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations with smooth initial data which is slowly varying in one direction and with initial densi...吕勇 副教授 (南京大学)腾讯会议室2021年11月23日(星期二) 10:00-10:50
Anisotropic Minkowski Inequality for Non-Convex DomainsIn this talk, we discuss the anisotropic Minkowski inequality, which is an isoperimetric type inequality between anisotropic mean curvature integral and anisotropic area, for star-shaped F-mean convex domains or outward F-minimizing domains. Ou...夏超 教授 (厦门大学)腾讯会议室2021年11月23日(星期二) 9:00-9:50
Co-Density and Fractional Edge Cover PackingGiven a multigraph G=(V,E), the edge cover packing problem (ECPP) on G is to find a coloring of edges of G using the maximum number of colors such that at each vertex all colors occur. ECPP can be formulated as an integer program and is NP-hard in gen...赵秋兰 副教授 (南京大学)腾讯会议室2021年11月23日(星期二) 8:00-8:50
A Non-Integrated Defect Relation for Meromorphic Maps of Complete Kahler Mani...In this talk, we introduce a non-integrated defect relation for meromorphic maps of a complete Kahler manifold into a complex projective variety intersecting hypersurfaces in su...石磊 博士 (贵州师范大学)腾讯会议室2021年11月21日(星期日) 9:00-11:00