Blow-up for the Heat Equation with Boundary Flux Governed by Nonlinear Memory报告人:邓铿教授(University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA)题目: Blow-up for the Heat Equation with Boundary Flux Governed by Nonlinear Memory时间:2012年6月24日(星期日)上午8:30—9:30地点:数学系致远楼10邓铿教授(University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA)数学系致远楼1072012年6月24日(星期日)上午8:30—9:30
TBA报告人:关波教授(Ohio State University, USA)题目: TBA时间:2012年6月24日(星期日)上午11:30—12:30地点:数学系致远楼10关波教授(Ohio State University, USA)数学系致远楼1072012年6月24日(星期日)上午11:30—12:30
The generalized Jang equation and blowup behaviors报告人:韩青教授(University of Notre Dame, USA)题目: The generalized Jang equation and blowup behaviors时间:2012年6月24日(星期日)上午10:30—11:30地点:数学系致远楼10韩青教授(University of Notre Dame, USA)数学系致远楼1072012年6月24日(星期日)上午10:30—11:30
International Workshop on Nonlinear Ellipticand Parabolic Partial Differentia...23June, Saturday08:50-09:00Opening CeremonyMorning SessionChair: Lou Yuan09:00-9:50Chen Xinfu (University of Pittsburgh)Defective Boundary Condition Arising from A Thin Coating Problem09:50-10:20Tea Time10:20-11:10Tao Youshan (Donghua University )A Chemotaxis-haptotaxis Model for Cancer Invasion11:10-12:00Elaine Crooks (Swansea University)Front-like Entire Solutions for Equations with Convectio...
Bi-module ProblemsIn this talk we define two algebraic structures, namely Bi-module problems and Bi-co-module problems, and their representation categories. This is a joint with Xu Yunge (Hubei University张英伯教授(北京师范大学)数学系(致远楼)1072012年6月27日(周三)13:30-14:30
On existence theorems of nonlinear partial differential systems in R^nBased on complex analysis, we prove a general (local, semi-global) existence of nonlinear partial differential systems with principle part of mixed higher order Cauchy-Riemann operators in dimension two, and then we apply the same framework set forth in dimension two and Newtonian potentials to proved a general (local, semi-global) existence of nonlinear partial differential systems with principle part of higher order Laplace operators in any dimensions:潘一飞教授6月26日下午15:30-17:30
PDE Models from Population Genetics演讲人:楼元教授(Ohio State University, USA)题目: PDE Models from Population Genetics时间:2012年6月21日(星期四)下午2:00—5:00地点:数学系致远楼10楼元教授(Ohio State University, USA)数学系致远楼1052012年6月21日(星期四)下午2:00—5:00
Generalized Witten Genus and Complete IntersectionsWitten genus is the loop space analogue of the Hirzebruch A-hat genus. On a string manifold, the Witten genus is a modular form and is the equivariant index of the Dirac operator on the free loop space. Hohn and Stolz conjectured that existence of a positive Ricci curvature metric on a string manifold implies the vanishing of the Witten genus. In this talk, we will present vanishing results for generalized Witten genus on complete intersections and describe a possible mod 2 extension of the Hohn-Stolz conjecture. The talk is based on the joint work with Qingtao Chen and Weiping Zhang韩飞博士(新加坡国立大学)数学系致远楼1072012年6月21日(星期四)下午2:00—3:00