Reaction-Diffusion Models with Density-Dependent Motility: Analysis and Appli...题目:Reaction-Diffusion Models with Density-Dependent Motility: Analysis and Applications报告人:金海洋 教授 (华南理工大学)地点:腾讯会议室时间:2024年11月11日 星期一 16:30-17:30腾讯会议室(381-611-008)摘要:In this talk, we will present some recent results on the reaction-diffusion systems with density-dependent motility. We will study the qualitative behavior of solutions to density-depen...金海洋 教授 (华南理工大学)腾讯会议室2024年11月11日 星期一 16:30-17:30
From the Remarkable Paper by Fife and McLeod题目:From the Remarkable Paper by Fife and McLeod报告人:周茂林 教授 (南开大学)时间:2024年11月10日 星期日 15:00-16:00地点:宁静楼104室摘要:In this talk, we will discuss the method about how to construct super and subsolutions of propagation problems, established by Fife and McLeod. A new unifined viewpoint will be introduced to understand the essence of their skills, while its application ...周茂林 教授 (南开大学)宁静楼104室2024年11月10日 星期日 15:00-16:00
Lattice Point Inequalities from Convex Geometry题目:Lattice Point Inequalities from Convex Geometry报告人:Martin Henk (Technische Universität Berlin)地点:致远楼101室时间:2024年11月5日 10:00-11:30摘要: In recent years, more and more discrete variants of classical inequalities from convex geometry, such as Brunn-Minkowski, have been investigated. The goal is, roughly speaking, to replace the volume functional in these classical inequali...Martin Henk (Technische Universität Berlin)致远楼101室2024年11月5日 10:00-11:30
Reduced-Order Modeling of Parameterized Pdes题目:Reduced-Order Modeling of Parameterized Pdes报告人:孙祥 副教授 (中国海洋大学 数学科学学院)地点:致远楼101室时间:2024年11月8日 10:00-11:00摘要:Accurately constructing a reduced order model (ROM) of parameterized partial differential equations (PDEs) has always been a challenging problem in engineering and applied sciences. In this talk, we present several ROMs based on proper orthogon...孙祥 副教授 (中国海洋大学 数学科学学院)致远楼101室2024年11月8日 10:00-11:00
Fokker-Planck Equations of Neuron Networks:Umerical Simulation and Dilating ...题目:Fokker-Planck Equations of Neuron Networks:Umerical Simulation and Dilating the Blowup Solution报告人:周珍楠 副教授 (西湖大学)地点:致远楼108室时间:2024年10月31日 16:30-17:30摘要:In this talk, we are concerned with the Fokker-Planck equations associated with the Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate-and-Fire model for neuron networks. Due to the jump mechanism at the microscopic level, su...周珍楠 副教授 (西湖大学)致远楼108室2024年10月31日 16:30-17:30
Unconditional Superconvergence Linearized Mass and Energy Conservation FEM fo...题目:Unconditional Superconvergence Linearized Mass and Energy Conservation FEM for CNLS Equations报告人:石东洋 教授 (烟台大学)地点:致远楼101室时间:2024年10月20日 上午10:00-11:00摘要:Thistalk considerstheunconditional super.convergence analysis of a linearized Crank-Nicolsorfully-discrete scheme with FEM for CNLS equations.We show that this scheme has the mass and energyconservation prop...石东洋 教授 (烟台大学)致远楼101室2024年10月20日 上午10:00-11:00
Beyond Detection Boundary: Minimax Deficiency for Two-Sample Mean Tests in Hi...题目:Beyond Detection Boundary: Minimax Deficiency for Two-Sample Mean Tests in High Dimensions报告人: 邱宇谋 研究员(北京大学)地点: 致远楼108室时间: 2024年10月25日 10:00-11:00Abstract:The detection boundary is an effective tool for evaluating a high dimensional test procedure. However, it is not a comprehensive performance measure as it is built upon trivial cases where the sum of type I an...邱宇谋 研究员(北京大学)致远楼108室2024年10月25日 10:00-11:00
Pointwise Divergence-Free Spectral and Spectral Element Methods for Maxwell E...题目:Pointwise Divergence-Free Spectral and Spectral Element Methods for Maxwell Equations on Spherical Domains报告人:李会元 研究员 (中国科学院)地点:致远楼108室时间:2024年10月18日 16:35-17:35摘要:In this talk, we first construct, on the basis of Hodge-Holmholtz decomposition theory, a complete system of curl-orthogonal vectorial polynomials exactly satisfying the divergence-free constrai...李会元 研究员 (中国科学院)致远楼108室2024年10月18日 16:35-17:35